Getting metal braces changes oral hygiene demands. Twice-daily brushing and once-daily flossing is no longer enough to keep your mouth, teeth, and hardware clean. Thankfully, modern orthodontics has developed handy tools that make a patient’s routine easier and more comfortable. Wearing braces isn’t always a breeze, but it’s easier to manage with these additions.
1. Electric Toothbrush
Orthodontic patients who have metal braces need all the help they can get to reach in between brackets and wires and teeth. An electric toothbrush does an excellent job of hitting the difficult spots and gently scrubbing away leftover food, and bacteria. Cleaning braces will make brush bristles wear out more quickly, so change the brush head every six to eight weeks to keep it in good condition and working effectively.
2. Interdental Brushes
One of the handiest tools for people who wear metal braces, the interdental brush is great for home use and when you’re on the go and don’t have time to brush thoroughly. The flexible, small tool is comfortably inserted between teeth and brackets to remove food particles. Keep one in your pocket, bag, or car for ready use and change it out every few days, if not daily. That’s life with braces.
3. Water Flosser
An amazing invention for wearers of metal braces, a water flosser has revolutionized cleaning between teeth and braces. It is incredibly challenging to floss normally when you have braces, even with orthodontic threader floss. A water flosser helps pick up the slack and blasts a jet of water in between and around teeth to remove build-up and debris, caring for teeth, gums, and hardware.
4. Mouthwash
Mouthwash will never substitute for thorough teeth-brushing, but it can certainly help on the days when getting in between every nook and cranny seems impossible, or your mouth is feeling particularly sore from an adjustment at the orthodontist. Make it part of your daily routine and the benefits will always be there. Choose the flavor, color, and concentration that you prefer and enjoy this teeth-cleaning tool that kills leftover bacteria and washes away unwanted gunk
5. Orthodontic Wax
Teeth-cleaning is often the time when someone wearing metal braces discovers they have an irritated area of their mouth. Enter orthodontic wax, your new best friend. Modern braces are small, but brackets and wires can still rub against lips and cheeks and cause discomfort. Your mouth will get used to the hardware quickly, but orthodontic wax delivers relief until then. A small ball of wax can be pressed onto the offending bracket to create a barrier between the metal and soft tissue. The wax is clear and stays put, so you can feel comfortable wearing it during the day or overnight.
Care for Metal Braces with Your Orthodontist’s Help
Metal braces and clear braces are all a daily commitment. Cleaning and tending to the brackets and wires can be a challenge but, with the right tools, you can give yourself thorough cleanings and keep your teeth looking better every day as they straighten out. Ask the orthodontic team at Mariana Orthodontics for product recommendations and demonstrations so you can do the very best for your oral health. Contact us to make an appointment.